We envision a world where people on the frontline of the ecological crisis are empowered to regenerate their local ecosystems.
What we do.
Our projects prioritise resilience, autonomy and food sovereignty, using the traditional techniques of people deeply rooted in their history and their landscapes.
We believe that people are an integral part of the natural world, and that conservation is more than just protecting the land. By engaging and partnering with local actors, we're fostering a movement where the community leads the way in restoring landscapes and preserving cultural traditions that we can learn from.
Our approach: connection, communication,
If we work together, humanity has everything we need to generate abundance and security for every living thing on the planet. When communities are given tools, knowledge and support, they become caretakers of the environments they love.
Brazilians have grown up with stories of the abundance of the land and the life in the rivers just a few generations ago, and many dream of seeing it again. When local communities design and own their own regeneration projects, a deep sense of pride can ensure the long-term success and sustainability of restoration efforts.
That's why we are developing protocols to facilitate communication and cooperation between communities divided by cultural differences and a painful shared history, helping businesses support Indigenous, Quilombolas and other traditional communities in Brazil to regenerate landscapes.
How we do it: active engagement and joined up response.
We start by listening to the needs and aspirations of communities we work with. They choose the sites to restore, the species to plant and the type of intervention, they are employed to do the work, and the benefits go to their communities.
Connection is key to our methodology, both for partners funding the work from abroad and partners doing the work in the field, because these local problems have impacts that ultimately affect the whole world.
We establish long-term monitoring of the progress and growth of what we plant, both to increase the survival rate and to keep supporters informed of the impacts.
The key is to connect. Join RAIN and become a force in the global movement dedicated to ecological restoration and locally run agroforestry programs!