News from RAIN.

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Traditionally, scientists like me have mainly communicated their knowledge to other scientists. But the threats to forests now demand that we share our knowledge beyond the ivory tower. We must engage groups whose diverse perspectives can enhance the critical connections within forests, and between forests and people. Woodturners are a perfect example of such groups.

Guest article from Dr. Nalini Nadkarni, forest ecologist and woodturner.

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Danny Diskin Danny Diskin

Success in 2024!

2024 was an immensely productive year, with new projects and new partners coming on board.

Have a look at our new brochure describing how our partners in traditional communities restore landscapes, and how it is inspired by mycelia.

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Danny Diskin Danny Diskin

The UN Sustainable Development goals

While we believe that idea of sustainable development requires some nuance to be truly equitable and beneficial, we nevertheless approve of the general idea of supporting people to meet their basic needs.

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Bianca Cardozo Flores Bianca Cardozo Flores

Recently, we reached the milestone of planting 100,000 mangrove trees in Alcântara! There is a story behind every seedling.

Recently, we reached the milestone of planting 100,000 mangrove trees. As you can see, the story behind each seedling or seed is deeply connected to many layers. But the effects of these plantings are already visible: the soil is healthier, crabs are reappearing more frequently, and fishermen have reported seeing even a manatee.

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Bianca Cardozo Flores Bianca Cardozo Flores

Turning Toward Tropical Trees: Becoming Rainforest Ambassadors

Woodturning is a very particular passion, and its practitioners gather to share their hobby at the annual symposium of the American Association of Woodturners. This year’s event brought together 1200 artists, craftspeople and collectors, with guest speaker and forest ecologist Dr. Nalini Nadkarni giving the keynote address. Nalini gave a fascinating talk, drawing out the connection between her hobby at the lathe and her work in the canopy of the Costa Rican rainforest.

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Beth King Beth King

Networked Intelligence in Nature and Tech

Organising, managing and moving information presents a set of problems, regardless of whether the connections are via wires or living fungal threads, and systems architects and nature have come to very similar solutions. We still have a lot to learn from nature’s networks.

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Beth King Beth King

The Joy of Soil

On World Soil Day, go and get dirty, plant a tree, make a mudpie, and make some compost! Healthy soil is full of life, with over a billion bacteria and yards of fungal threads.

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