Agroecology in Urban Communities
When Brazil announced its lockdown, our partners in Recife refused to let Covid-19 stop them making a positive impact.
They went online as Rede Pela Transição, providing popular education on sustainable activities and empowering people to protect their food security and health.
Their instagram videos show people in lockdown how to plant food and medicine at home, how to turn food waste into compost and up-cycling pots. Offline they have been distributing agro-ecology kits to the families of the black women's group in the community of Passarinho.
They are about to launch the popular education pamphlet, and there's other good news brewing that we will be translating and passing on to our supporters.
If you can, please help support our Rede Pela Transicão Campaign, and make sure to join us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to keep up with the impacts your donations make possible.