#RewildingEducation - Launching the Pioneers monthly newsletter
How do we equip our children to face the world they are growing up in?
With news about climate change and ecological destruction a constant hum in the background today, young people can feel disempowered and anxious about the future. On the other hand, global movements like #schoolstrike show the relentless desire for change among the people who have the most skin in the game.
For that reason RAIN is launching the Pioneers programme for schools, home educators and other community groups. Connecting learners to the importance of #treeplanting and #rewilding while also suggesting practical activities to help restore, #regenerate and create our #futureforests.
Pioneers provides materials to support the transition into a new paradigm of ecological awareness, enabling young people to embody the future they want - lush and green, strong-rooted and secure, full of diversity, abundance and birdsong.
Measuring saplings at St. Brendans Sixth form college, Bristol.
There are three strands to the programme:
Our guides and resources follow the seasons to enable and facilitate tree-planting and re-wilding - growing and planting trees, collecting rainwater, identifying plant species etc.
Curated teaching materials from across our specialist network to support these activities, to help understand the subject matter and the need for action.
How to network and connectivity guides to increase awareness, agency and scope. These are designed to help create micro-networks with local schools, youth groups, landowners, businesses and other actors, plugging into a wider movement in the UK and making global connections through advocacy and international school twinning.
The first edition focuses on the mycelial webs that connect trees together and gives guidance on collecting and planting acorns, while also introducing a debate over the environmental pros and cons of infrastructure projects. With clear links to the UK syllabus, it supports teachers while introducing vital concepts in ecology.
What to expect?
The newsletter structures learning throughout the year, with seasonal activities and events. You also get access to our growing bank of online resources.
We invite teachers, parents and students to share your own materials, resources and ideas across the network.
Part of our vision is locally organised nodes of eco-positive action. If your school, community group or organisation is ready become a hub of inspirational activity, please get in touch at pioneers@rainumbrella.org.
A pile of manure for a sapling nursery - thanks to GENeco Sustainable Solutions for the donation
To hear more about becoming a Pioneer school, please get in touch with the email above or subscribe below.