Artists reforesting Brazil

Artists reforesting Brazil

A group of artists have kindly donated artworks to raise money for reforestation initiatives in Brazil. In just a few weeks we have raised over £2000!

The money is spent on projects our partners are undertaking in agroforestry, reforestation and rewilding. 40% goes to the projects in Brazil, 40% goes to the artist, and 20% covers our costs.

Click through to the gallery to see more

All our projects are community-led and support biodiversity, soil health and food security - helping all of the creatures on the land, from the microbiota in the soil to the humans treading carefully upon it.

Projects include:

  • reforestation drives with indigenous groups

  • saving the pernambuco tree from extinction - it is used to make violin bows, so saving it safeguard the future of classical music

  • free agroforestry courses for conventional farmers looking to change how they manage the land

  • Many other initiatives you can see on our website

Have a look at the website for more details.

The sale will last for another month, and after that it will be over. Have a look at the gallery, and help bring life back to the land.

Some of our partners:

Have a look at the RAIN website for details of our partners projects


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Trees of music