Celebrating a broad umbrella for #Earthday21

Earthday is a busy day for people like us, putting on a brave face in a sometimes bewildering world. Let's celebrate good news and remember the forests of potential in the seeds of hope we water with our actions.

Classic FM features Trees of Music

The UK’s most popular classical music station shared the Chiquinha Gonzaga arrangement for strings in support of the pernambuco tree and its ecosystem. The arrangement is by Ben Comeau, one of the Trees of Music ambassadors, and it is played by a lockdown orchestra of 29 superb musicians including Natalie Haas, Viktoria Mullova, Matthew Barley and JoAnna Farrer.

If you watch it and share it afterwards, it is super helpful!

Chacruna features RAIN in its Indigenous Reciprocity Initiative

Chacruna, the Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines, is sharing a sneak preview of the first of our new Voices from the Forest video series. It is a century old traditional song played on the flute and sung by the leader of the Noke Koi (Katukina) indigenous nation. The sound is beautiful, but the story is brutal, describing how the forest was cleared by strangers starting fires.

The full video was recorded with the support of The Cube Microplex in Bristol. We are putting the final touches to our first project in the Amazon, and will launch them together. Join our mailing list to keep up to date with new projects.


This is part of Chacruna’s Indigenous Reciprocity Initiative of the Americas (IRI), to be launched this weekend at their Sacred plants in the Americas II global psychedelics conference. The fund is for businesses and individuals to express their gratitude for the cultures and ecosystems of the Amazon by supporting Indigenous people and Indigenous-led grassroots organisations.


A broad umbrella

The classical and the psychedelic worlds may seem to be rather distant demographics, at least at first glance anyway - but RAIN is a broad umbrella. Planting trees and helping people in need is something that most of us agree upon, regardless of what we do with our spare time.

To further extend the umbrella (and the metaphor), we have also been busy translating our website into Portuguese - seus amigos brasileiros e portugueses são bem-vindos à festa.


Indigenous music for World Rainforest Day


Urban agroecology into nine communities